Annoyed At Banned From Covering Non-Olympic Sites, Foreign Journalists: No Use For Media!

JAKARTA - Foreign journalists covering the Tokyo Olympics were surprised to find out what they considered an opportunity to report the situation outside the media "bubble", instead of being a social distancing tour without being allowed to take pictures.

Hoping to report on the atmosphere of Tokyo outside the Olympics, on Monday the journalists from outside Japan were transported by the organizers, who seemed to be pressed for time, from one empty tourist spot to another, for two hours.

Foreign journalists, generally restricted by COVID-19-related rules from traveling outside hotels and Olympic sites, have been annoyed by measures such as GPS tracking and a ban on interviewing ordinary Japanese citizens.

On the other hand, a number of Japanese journalists continue to spy on foreign visitors to make sure they don't violate quarantine rules.

With the Olympics opening on Friday this week, organizers say restrictions are the right way to fight the spread of the epidemic in Japan. Overseas media protested against organizers for restricting press freedom, Kyodo news agency reported.

In addition to being forced to repeatedly check body temperature, visits to tourist sites are limited to a maximum of 30 minutes and must maintain social distancing. That day reporters visited sites such as the Tokyo National Museum and Hama-Rikyu Park, a bayside villa reserved for feudal lords.

"We just went to the national museum without being allowed to take pictures, so it's no use to the media!" said Finnish reporter Heikki Valkama.

Mikai Asai of the Japan Tourism Board said it was only giving the confined journalists free time to explore the capital safely.

"Due to restrictions, (journalists) are not allowed to go out to take pictures. We just want to share Japanese culture, and for everyone to enjoy it as part of our hospitality," he said.