Together With Atta Halilintar, Sandiaga Uno Hands Over 1,000 Sacrificial Animals And Food Door To Door To Residents

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno distributed 1,000 sacrificial animals to the people of Indonesia on the day of Eid al-Adha 1442 Hijriyah.
The sacrificial animals in the form of goats, buffaloes and cows equipped with health certificates and free from disease were symbolically handed over in Depok, West Java, Tuesday, July 20, morning. In this activity, Sandiaga was accompanied by members of the Indonesian House of Representatives Kamrussamad and Youtuber Atta Halilintar.
Sandi explained that the program for 1,000 sacrificial animals was carried out simultaneously in a hybrid manner with strict health protocols in 114 Slaughterhouses (RPH) locations. Slaughter and chopping as well as distribution of sacrificial meat is carried out by implementing health protocols.
"Implementing disciplined health protocols, we set the example of Prophet Ibrahim AS and Ismail AS, full of fortitude and patience," said Sandiaga.
The deputy chairman of the Gerindra Party Advisory Council said the activity was also an effort to encourage the spirit of community unity to face the COVID-19 pandemic. According to him, this Eid is a very special holiday because it is celebrated in the midst of Indonesia's challenges against the virus.
"We pray for our family, friends and neighbors who have preceded because of COVID-19, for isoman residents, rest assured that behind difficulties there will be ease," said Sandi.
The former chairman of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (Hipmi) hopes that the momentum of Eid al-Adha 1442 H can strengthen the pillars of the unity of the people, prepare the pillars of the people's economic revival, and strengthen the spirit of social justice.
In this case, Sandiaga also synergizes with religious leaders, Islamic organizations, Islamic boarding schools, educational institutions and 18 leaders of Islamic youth and community organizations (OKP) in 17 provinces.
These include the provinces of East Java, Central Java, DIY, West Java, DKI Jakarta, Banten, South Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Gorontalo, North Sumatra, Riau, NTT, and NTB.
In addition to handing over sacrificial animals, Sandiaga also distributed 100 basic necessities to residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, in the Depok area, West Java. Distribution is done after the delivery of the sacrificial animals.
The food items contained basic needs needed by residents and were distributed directly by Sandiaga by visiting residents' homes door to door.