Eid Prayers At Home, Here Are The Intentions And Procedures For Its Implementation

JAKARTA - It does not feel like Muslims will be reunited with Iduladha or Lebaran Haji soon. This year, the government has set Hari Raya Iduladha 1142 Hijri to fall on Tuesday, July 20, 2021.

As reported from KOMPAS, Monday, July 19, the Ministry of Religion has issued Circular Letter Number 17 of 2021 on Temporary Provision of Worship at Places of Worship, Takbiran Night, Iduladha Prayer, and Technical Instructions for the Implementation of Sacrifice 1442 H in the PPKM Emergency Region. This disappearance is associated with the still high number of COVID-19 virus transmission in the country.

Referring to the rule, it means that the implementation of takbir and Iduladha prayers will be performed at home. While the implementation of the sacrifice itself will still be done in the places that have been set and can only be attended by the committee with strict prokes.







Well, for those of you who will perform the Iduladha prayer at home tomorrow, here are the implementation procedures and intentions, read the KOMPAS page.

1. Intention

All actions aimed at good must be based on intention first. The intention of Iduladha prayer is:

Usholli sunnatan 'iidil adhaa rok'ataini mustaqbilal qiblati lillaahi ta'aalaa.

Meaning: I intend to pray the sunnah of Iduladha two rak'ahs facing the Qibla because of Allah ta'ala.

2. Takbiratul ihram, performed by reciting "Allahu Akbar".

3. Takbir as many as 7 times, by reciting the pronunciation "Subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wallahu akbar" between takbir. Read also: Goat Satay Recipe with Bean Seasoning, Iduladha Special Dishes

4. Read Al-Fatihah with a short letter.

5. Rukuk with tumakninah and recite "Subhaana robbial 'adzimi wabihamdihi" 3 times.

6. I'tidal with tumakninah and recite "Robbanaa lakal hamdu".

7. Prostrate by reciting "Subhaana robbiyal a'la wabihamdihi" 3 times.

8. Sit between two prostrations by reciting "Robbighfirlii warhamnii wajburnii warfa'nii warzuqnii wahdinii wa'aafinii wa'fu 'annii".

9. Prostrate by reciting: "Subhaana robbiyal a'la wabihamdihi" 3 times.

10. Stand for the second rak'ah.

11. Takbir 5 times by reciting "Subhanallah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illallah allahu akbar" between takbir.

12. Read Al-Fatihah along with a short letter.

13. Rukuk with tumakninah and recite "Subhaana robbial 'adzimi wabihamdihi" 3 times.

14. I'tidal with tumakninah and read "Robbanaa lakal hamdu".

15. Prostrate by reciting "Subhaana robbiyal a'la wabihamdihi" 3 times.

16. Sit between two prostrations by reciting "Robbighfirlii warhamnii wajburnii warfa'nii warzuqnii wahdinii wa'aafinii wa'fu 'annii".

17. Prostrate by reciting: "Subhaana robbiyal a'la wabihamdihi" 3 times.

18. Final Tahiyat by reciting the final tasyahid of the prayer.

19. Greetings.