Warning For Factories That Become Clusters For The Spread Of COVID-19, Workers Will Ask The Government To Apply Sanctions

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Federation of Indonesian Union Trade Unions (FSBPI) Dian Septi Trisnanti along with a number of other labor unions demanded the government to ensure the protection of the rights to health and labor rights of workers. Because, at this time the factory appears to be the location of the most aggressive transmission.

"Factories are among the most aggressive clusters of COVID-19 distribution. Our data on the TGSK sector (textiles, garments, shoes and leather) sector unions show this. In the last two weeks alone, thousands of our members in the Cakung area, Tangerang, Subang, Sukabumi, and Solo are exposed through workplaces or factories," he said at a virtual press conference, Monday, July 19.

Dian said that most of the FSBPI members live in densely populated residential areas, causing the residents of the housing to be exposed. Meanwhile, the explosion of cases led to the inability of existing health facilities to address the problem.

"Factory clusters have led to the emergence of residential clusters," he said.

Furthermore, Dian assessed that the factory cluster occurred as a result of violations of health protocols by entrepreneurs that continued without sanctions. Therefore, he asked the government to guarantee the restoration of the rights of workers who were neglected by violations committed by employers.

"Labourers demand that the government impose strict sanctions on companies that violate and violate the Emergency PPKM by requiring their workers to continue working without PPE, without health facilities, and forcing them to take responsibility for themselves," he said.

Not only that, the workers also asked the government to urge APINDO and KADIN to ensure the fulfillment of workers' health rights during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Procurement of free vaccines for workers and their family members in the factory environment, guaranteed wages and free health rehabilitation facilities for workers are a number of concrete actions as a form of social solidarity of entrepreneurs in this difficult time," he said.