SpaceX Sends 60 Starlink Satellites To Strengthen Internet Access Around The Earth

JAKARTA - After successfully sending two NASA astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) using a commercial rocket. Now SpaceX plans to send a number of Starlink internet satellites into Earth orbit.

This satellite mission, aims to support the performance of internet signal capture in areas that are not covered. It is planned that as many as 60 Starlink satellites will be launched using Falcon 9 rockets from the Cape Canaveral Air Force base, Florida.

Quoted from the Space page, Thursday, June 3, the Starlink satellite project, which costs Rp144.7 trillion. This is the 8th mission for the Starlik satellite to air in Earth orbit.

So far, SpaceX has launched 422 Starlink satellites into Earth orbit since, 2019. This project aims to provide high-speed internet services to customers worldwide, especially in remote or underserved areas.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said SpaceX will need at least 400 Starlink satellites as its basic internet service and another 800 for moderate coverage. The ultimate goal of this project is to launch nearly 12 thousand satellites into orbit around the Earth, so that all corners of the world can be connected to a high-speed internet network.

Complained by Astronomers

Despite their lofty goals, the number of satellites launched in low Earth orbits could deter astronomers from researching space. Astronomers complain that satellites block the view for space telescopes and observatories.

Not to mention that the SpaceX satellites look like a series of lights as they reflect sunlight from their surface. As they move through the field of view, they block signals from distant stars and galaxies, preventing scientists from observing extraterrestrial objects.