Good News, There's A New Snack From Riau: Durian Seed Chips

JAKARTA - Want to try a new snack? Try the durian seed chips. This snack is produced by dozens of housewives in Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency, Riau. With their creativity, they process durian seeds into crispy and savory chips that are favored by many buyers in the area.
"Since early 2021, the production of durian seed chips has started to bloom in Siak, Riau. The cuisine is marketed at several souvenir shops and at certain events, with an affordable price per pack of Rp. 10,000," said Head of Tourism Resources Development (PSDP) , Dispar Riau Province, Ridho Adriansyah in Pekanbaru, Friday.
As a result of the large number of customers who buy durian seed chips, since last year mothers have been enthusiastic about processing durian seeds into chips because selling them can increase the family's economic income.
Especially in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, this durian seed chip business has the potential to increase family income, only neatly packaged in plastic, then marketed to a number of souvenir outlets, selling well.
"Women in the area quote durian seed waste for free from a number of durian traders because they are usually thrown into the trash with the durian skin. Then, the seeds are cleaned and boiled in hot water after that, cooled," she said.
After going through the cooling process, he said, the durian seed skin was peeled off, then the white durian seed flesh was cut into thin strips, then fried in a frying pan while the oil was boiling.
Furthermore, after being fried, the durian seed chips are sprinkled with salt and seasonings and then packaged in plastic after they have cooled.
"The sale of durian seed chips is believed to be able to increase family income, the Riau Provincial Tourism Office and the Siak Disparity Office have provided guidance and promoted the chip business. Guidance is given in the form of how to process it hygienically, package it attractively and promote the product to the media social," said Ridho.
This support is needed, to awaken the creativity of mothers through business digitization in the era of new habits. The parekaf actors were also given socialization of guidelines for the implementation of Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE), a health protocol guide for the community, in the context of preventing and controlling Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).