Jokowi Asks Indonesia To Adapt To Other Countries' Education Systems

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo asked his staff to adapt the education system in other countries. This is important, in order to reform the education system in Indonesia.

According to him, the Indonesian people will face challenges that require different solutions. So that this reform is very necessary.

Moreover, the formation of superior human resources (HR), continued Jokowi, could no longer be done based on the method in the past. This formation, needs to adapt to new methods that have been implemented by several developed countries.

"I ask for benchmarking on how countries have managed to overcome the education system to meet the needs of change in the future," Jokowi said when opening a limited meeting regarding the 2020-2035 education map which was broadcast on the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, June 4. .

The former governor of DKI Jakarta assessed that there are several countries whose education systems can be emulated by Indonesia. For the early childhood education system, Indonesia can follow Australia's example.

Then for the primary and secondary levels, Indonesia can follow Finland. "Germany is for vocational education and in South Korea for higher education," he said.

Although he wants the education system to imitate developed countries, Jokowi also advised that character education is not left behind. This is because all human resources developed by Indonesia must have a character that is in accordance with Pancasila and Indonesian cultural norms.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta also asked the Ministry of Education and Culture to make measurable targets related to this education reform. "I think we set a high target so that we are optimistic, excited," he said.

Finally, he asked all parties to participate in efforts to improve this education system. He said, reforming the world of education would not be successful if only the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) was working.

This is because reforming the world of education does not only include curriculum adjustments and assessment methodologies. "But including infrastructure improvements, provision of technology assets, and those related to funding support," he concluded.