Why Is Keeping The Body's PH Balanced Important For Health?

JAKARTA – Acid-base balance in the body is called pH balance. Under conditions of balanced pH, the body has a prime condition. So what is the effect if the body's pH is not balanced?

Reported by Healthline, Friday, July 15, at normal levels, the blood pH level is 7.40 on a scale of 0 to 14. Where 0 is the most acidic and 14 is the most alkaline. This indicates that the body is built naturally to maintain a balance of acidity and alkalinity in order to stay healthy.

The pH level of the blood is closely related to the lungs and kidneys. If these two organs do not function properly, then the pH level of the blood becomes imbalanced. Disorders of acid-base balance in medical conditions known as acidosis and alkalosis.

If you experience it, what is needed is medical treatment and not just changing your diet.

The way the lungs work in controlling the pH balance is by releasing carbon dioxide which is known as a compound with a little acid content. The carbon dioxide exhaled by the lungs is a waste product from the cells in the body when they use oxygen.

The cells release carbon dioxide into the blood which is then carried to the lungs. Then when you exhale, carbon dioxide is released. This process helps the body regulate the pH balance by reducing acidity.

The amount of carbon dioxide exhaled is equivalent to the air inhaled. In the process, the brain in charge of monitoring the most appropriate pH balance in the body.

While the kidneys help the lungs maintain an acid-base balance by removing acids or bases into the blood. The kidneys work at a slower rate than the lungs.


Disorders of the pH balance, acidosis occurs when the blood is too acidic or the pH level in the blood is less than 7.35. While alkalosis, blood pH is higher than 7.45. The cause of acidosis and alkalosis, first occurs disorders in the lungs called respiratory.

While those caused by impaired kidney function are called metabolic disorders. Respiratory acidosis can also be triggered by asthma, pneumonia, and emphysema. Could be caused by the use of narcotics and sleeping pills. The main symptoms include extreme drowsiness, fatigue, and headaches.

Metabolic acidosis occurs due to a buildup of acid in the body that comes from the kidneys. Or it occurs because the body can't get rid of excess acid or base. The cause, too little sodium bicarbonate in the blood.

Another cause is the buildup of ketones due to a lack of insulin. This is often experienced by people with diabetes and is known as ketoacidosis. Other causes include lactic acid buildup, cancer, and kidney failure.


In contrast to acidosis, respiratory alkalosis occurs when there is too little carbon dioxide in the blood. Causes include hyperventilation due to anxiety, aspirin overdose, and high fever. Symptoms include muscle cramps and twitching, tingling in the fingers, toes, and lips, and irritability.

Metabolic alkalosis occurs when the level of bicarbonate in the blood is too high or the body loses too much acid. This is due to overuse of diuretics or overactive adrenal glands. It can also be triggered by losing a lot of body fluids.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, it's a good idea to check the pH in your blood. Because pH imbalance treatments vary widely and depend on the condition, get the most appropriate solution from your doctor.