Pros And Cons Of Emergency PPKM, This Is The Reason PPNI Supports Extended PPKM

JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) supports the government's policy to extend the Emergency PPKM following the high number of active COVID-19 cases in various regions.

What was done in the Implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) still has to be continued. "It (Emergency PPKM, ed.) will reduce transmission and reduce the number of cases," said PPNI General Chair Harif Fadhillah in a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday, July 16.

He said the Emergency PPKM policy was important to reduce transmission and limit people's mobility. This situation is expected to reduce the workload of nurses or other health workers.

The Importance of Restrictions

He explained that from the beginning PPNI supported the handling of the pandemic in the upstream sector by limiting the mobility of people because the transmission factor for COVID-19 is interactions that occur between humans.

"The purpose of Emergency PPKM is to limit mobility and activities that cause people to be 'mobile' and gather," said Harif.

According to him, public awareness must be increased to reduce COVID-19 cases. "Community leaders, religious leaders, officials, do not set an example that is contrary to health protocols," he said.

He said the community was the key to suppressing the transmission of the virus. "Actually, if we are aware, we don't need to use the apparatus, we take care of each other. The community is the front line who is the key to reducing transmission, breaking the chain, especially the Delta variant which is said to be fast and progressive," he said

Support for the extension of the Emergency PPKM was also voiced by the Executive Director of the Institute for Health Development Studies and Consultations (LK2PK), Ardiansyah Bahar. "But there must be a scheme to save the economy for the community, especially for those who work in the informal sector," he said.

He saw that active cases of COVID-19 continued to increase after more than a week of implementing the Emergency PPKM. Even now it has reached more than 50 thousand a day. "This is exacerbated by the increasing number of hoaxes denying the existence of COVID-19," he said.

According to Ardiansyah, the general public is one of the components of the successful implementation of Emergency PPKM, apart from the government and the private sector.

He urged the government to be firm, but still humane in supervising the implementation of the Emergency PPKM to tackle COVID-19. "The private sector must support each other in order to survive in the midst of this pandemic. Of course, the main thing is that there needs to be an economic rescue scheme from the government," he said.