Annoyed To Hear That The Reason Traders Sell Alcohol Is Because Of The Economy, The Regent Of Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan: Everyone Is Also Difficult!

KALIMANTAN - The Regent of Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan (Kalsel), HM Sukamta, directly led the liquor raid with the local Satpol PP and firefighters. During the raid, officers found dozens of bottles of alcohol.

"In the raid, 84 bottles of liquor were found in a resident's house on Jalan Parit Mas, Angsau Village, Pelaihari District," Sukamta said in Tanah Laut, Thursday, July 15, as quoted by Antara.

The regent was furious to hear the seller's confession that economic factors were the reason for selling alcohol. "Everyone is also experiencing economic difficulties, but this sale is not because of the economy, and this price is also prohibited (expensive)," said the Regent.

According to him, the raid was carried out as an enforcement of the Tanah Laut Regency Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2014 concerning Public Order and Public Peace.

In addition to securing liquor, HM Sukamta also checked the implementation of the COVID-19 health protocol at angkringan and coffee shops by combing Pelaihari City.

He emphasized that all of this was being carried out as an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 transmission in local districts.

Head of Satpol PP and Tanah Laut District Fire Department Muhammad Kusri, after holding the raid, explained that the raid was carried out to suppress and eradicate the circulation of liquor in Tanah Laut.

He was grateful that the raid this time managed to secure dozens of bottles of liquor.

"Alhamdulillah, together with the Regent, we have found evidence in the form of various brands of liquor, and now it has been secured at the office. We will then process it to the Pelaihari District Court," he said.