Instead Of Repentance, 2 Inmates At The Timika Class IIB Prison Actually Committed This Extraordinary Crime

JAKARTA - Instead of repenting or regretting their actions, the two inmates are becoming more and more. Ironically, the extraordinary crimes they committed occurred while serving their sentence at the Class II B Timika Penitentiary.

Mimika Police Narcotics Head AKP Mansur said the two inmates were ADN alias Anggi and H alias Efron. The identities of the two were known after a series of arrests of 3 drug dealers of methamphetamine type.

Those arrested were MT (46), ADN alias Anggi (24) and H alias Efron (39). MT, said Mansur, is a narcotics case recidivist who was arrested on Monday, July 12 at a rented house in Jalan Budi Utomo, Timika.

"To investigators, MT admitted that he bought the illicit goods through an intermediary after communicating with ADN alias Anggi who is now languishing in the Timika Prison," explained Mansur in Timika, Antara, Thursday, July 15.

Based on MT's confession, investigators then arrested ADN alias Anggi and his colleague H alias Efron from Timika Prison on Wednesday, July 14 this morning.

"The arrests of the two inmates were based on the results of the investigation into the suspect with the initials MT," said AKP Mansur.

The officers also secured evidence in the form of cellphones from the hands of ADN and H which were used to communicate with MT.

AKP Mansur said the two inmates were serving time at the Timika Prison for being involved in a drug possession case.

Ironically, after going to prison, both of them still control the illicit goods business because the market is quite lucrative and promising.

"Both of them control drug sales from within the prison," said AKP Mansur.

For their actions, the three suspects are now charged with Article 114 paragraph (1) and Article 132 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of a sentence of more than 5 years.