Volunteers Fake Vaccination Certificates, Arrested By Police Sentenced To Six Years In Prison

JAKARTA - The Barelang Police have detained five suspects for counterfeiting COVID-19 vaccine certificates in the local area.

"The person in question is a validator volunteer who was indeed recruited by the Health Service," said Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the Barelang Police AKP Juwita Oktaviani in Batam, as reported by Antara, Thursday, July 15.

The volunteers offer services for making vaccine certificates, without having to undergo COVID-19 vaccination, in exchange for IDR 250,000 to IDR 300,000 for each person.

The five suspects actually worked as volunteers in charge of entering data during mass vaccinations at the Temenggung Abdul Djamal Sports Center and the Botania Health Center.

However, the suspects, mostly students, abused their responsibilities, and issued certificates for residents who had not been vaccinated.

"Because the system is online. So if you enter your NIK or name and phone number into the V-Care application, you will automatically get a vaccine certificate," he said.

So far, the five suspects have issued 50 vaccine certificates.

When asked whether people who ordered vaccine certificates were given sanctions, he said it would be developed to find out whether the document had been used or not.

The suspects were charged with Article 263 of the Criminal Code paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 64 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code, with a maximum threat of six years in prison.