Malang City Government Will Use Guest House As A COVID-19 Isolation House

MALANG - The Malang City Government plans to use one of the inns or guest houses to be used as an isolation house for COVID-19 patients.

Malang Mayor Sutiaji said that currently there is one inn with a capacity of 80 beds which is planned to be used for patients who have mild symptoms, and no longer need the supervision of health workers.

"If the patient has no more symptoms, he can be shifted to another safe house. The plan is to have 80 beds, this week they can be used," said Sutiaji, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 15.

Patients who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 who were shifted to the inn, could be done after undergoing isolation at the health service facilities that have been provided, such as the isolation house located on Jalan Kawi, Malang City.

According to him, if the patient's condition has improved and does not need the supervision of a doctor or health worker, then to complete the isolation period, it can be done at the inn.

"For mild symptoms, and that (for patients who) no longer need intensive supervision by health workers," he said.

Sutiaji added that at the inn, there are approximately 40 rooms available. In each room, there will be two beds, so that in total there are 80 beds that can be used for patients.

The Malang City Government is trying to add more beds for confirmed COVID-19 positive patients, in an effort to reduce the occupancy rate, or Bed Occupancy Ratio (BOR) at referral hospitals, as well as health service facilities.

The addition of the isolation house in Malang City is one of the efforts to increase the recovery rate of positive COVID-19 confirmed patients. Some time ago, a field hospital has also been operated in the area of the Army Hospital (RST) Dr Soepraoen.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Malang City Health Office, Dr. Husnul Muarif, added that currently the recovery rate of positive COVID-19 confirmed patients in Malang City was recorded at 81.7 percent.

His party continues to strive to increase the recovery rate of patients confirmed positive for COVID-19 to 90 percent.

"We are at 81.7 percent, the standard is 90 percent. We continue to strive to improve patient recovery, especially for mild symptoms so that they can recover," he said.

In Malang City, there were a total of 8,091 positive confirmed cases of COVID-19. Of the total, 6,407 people were reported to have recovered, 690 were declared dead, and the rest were under treatment.