Jampidmil Eliminates Prosecution Policy Dualism, This Is The Attorney General's Order

JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin said the presence of the Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes (Jampidmil) at the Attorney General's Office will eliminate the dualism of the policy of prosecuting criminal acts of connectivity.
"With the existence of the Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes, it is hoped that there will be no more dualism in prosecution policies that tend to lead to disparities in punishment for the same type of crime committed at the same object, time and place," said Burhanuddin during the inauguration of Jampidmil, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, 14 July.
Attorney General ST Burhanuddin appointed Admiral TNI Anwar Saadi as the first Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes (Jampidmil) at the Attorney General's Office.
The existence of Jampidmil, said Burhanuddin, is expected to be able to answer the problems of 2,726 cases or about 23 percent of the total 12,017 cases for criminal acts of connectivity (crimes involving civilians and the military together) which so far have not been processed and tried through the connectivity mechanism.
Thus, law enforcement can be carried out in an accountable, objective and fair manner and at the same time confirms the Attorney General as the highest Public Prosecutor in the Republic of Indonesia.
Burhanuddin explained that the formation of the military criminal field is a manifestation of the mandate of Law Number 31 of 1997 concerning Military Courts, in particular the explanation of Article 57 paragraph (1) which states, "The Attorney General in carrying out his duties in the technical field of prosecution is responsible to the Attorney General. Republic of Indonesia as the highest public prosecutor in the Republic of Indonesia."
This arrangement, said Burhanuddin, is essentially a reflection of the implementation of the principle of a single prosecution system, in order to consistently realize the principle of "dominus litis" which is in line with the mandate of Article 2 paragraph (3) of Law No. and inseparable (Een En Ondeelbaar)."
"Which means that the prosecution must be in one institution, namely the Prosecutor's Office, so that a unified policy in the field of prosecution can be maintained so that the characteristics that are integrated in thought, behavior and work procedures can be displayed," said Burhanuddin
Burhanuddin said that the task of the Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes in the future is very difficult, as a pioneer, of course, Admiral TNI Anwar Saadi is required to move quickly and must be able to lay the basics of work patterns and work methods so that the military criminal sector is able to answer what the public hopes.
However, Burhanuddin, believes that TNI Admiral Anwar Saadi will be able to answer, of course, with good support and cooperation between fields, be it technical fields such as the special criminal field, the general criminal field and non-technical fields such as the coaching field, immediately merge and synergize.
"In addition, immediately form a Military Crime Assistant working unit at the High Court level which has a military court to provide support in carrying out its duties," said Burhanuddin.
Therefore, Burhanuddin ordered the Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes to immediately carry out the duties as stipulated in Law 31 of 1997 concerning Military Courts and Presidential Regulation Number 15 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 38 of 2010 concerning Organization and Work Procedures of the Republic of Indonesia Attorney General's Office. Indonesia as the implementation of the Prosecutor Law.
Thus, it is hoped that in the implementation of prosecution duties there will be no disparity, especially in the case of connectivity. With the presence of the Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes, it is hoped that it will also be able to accelerate the handling of military criminal cases that reflect the community's sense of justice, provide legal certainty, and are oriented towards legal benefits.
Furthermore, the Attorney General instructed all levels of the Prosecutor's Office assigned in the Military Crime field to immediately adapt to new tasks and new partners, immediately merge and carry out their duties proactively in providing input so that they can produce policies that can be beneficial for the implementation of tasks in the Military Crime Sector.
"The newly inaugurated officials are expected to be able to carry out the mandate, duties and positions entrusted to them so as to provide benefits for the creation of a dignified and trustworthy Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia," said Burhanuddin.
The inauguration and oath-taking of the Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes was carried out in a limited manner and by implementing strict health protocols considering the situation of the spread and transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic which had not subsided.