Many SIKM Applications Are Rejected From Accepted

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Capital Investment and One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) noted that 630,825 people accessed the site to apply for a letter of entry and exit permit (SIKM) for the capital city.

From that data, only 49,483 applications were successfully submitted. From the number submitted, more applications for SIKM were rejected by the DKI Provincial Government.

"76.9 percent of the total applications or 38,052 SIKM applications were rejected or not approved," Head of the Jakarta PMPTSP Office, Benni Agus Chandra, told reporters, Wednesday, June 3.

Meanwhile, of the applications submitted, only around 8.6 percent or 4,265 had been verified and declared to have met the requirements so that SIKM could be issued electronically. The remaining 2,642 SIKM applications are waiting to be validated by the guarantor or the person in charge.

Of the many rejected SIKM applications, Benni regretted that there were still many residents who were not wise in applying for SIKM licenses. He admitted, the PMPTSP Office often found applications that did not meet the substance aspects of the SIKM license.

"For example, these residents do not comply with the main provisions, namely not working in 11 permitted sectors and also Bodetabek residents who apply for SIKM in the DKI Jakarta area," he said.

Therefore, the public is asked to learn about SIKM licensing before applying for SIKM. This is because the existence of cooperation and understanding of various parties greatly determines the speed of officers in processing SIKM permits and helping residents who really need SIKM.

Furthermore, the rejection of SIKM that is currently happening is different from before the Eid Al-Fitr 1441 H. Currently, rejection generally occurs because the applicant is a government employee or a company who wants to travel. Unfortunately, the applicant cannot show a valid and correct assignment letter from the agency or company.

"It is not uncommon for us to verify with the leadership of government agencies or company leaders even to regional leaders, village heads and RT / RW, to ensure the applicant's travel trip is known and is in accordance with applicable laws and regulations," said Benni.

For information, travel requirements in the form of SIKM are regulated in DKI Governor Regulation Number 47 of 2020 concerning restrictions on travel activities outside and / or entering the DKI Jakarta Province in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

SIKM is a dispensation against travel prohibition given to people, business actors or foreigners who travel because their duties and work are in 11 permitted sectors and / or because of urgent needs the nuclear family dies or is seriously ill.

Before administering SIKM, every person or business actor must prepare a number of requirements. The details are a cover letter from the head of the local RT, a health statement letter, a certificate of official travel or working outside the region or a certificate of having a business for entrepreneurs.

Meanwhile, there are additional requirements for everyone outside Jabodetabek who will enter Jakarta. The additional requirement is to have a travel certificate from the sub-district or village in the area of origin and a stamped guarantee letter from the family or RT to be destination in Jakarta.