Head Of KONI Ensures XX PON Readiness, Papuan Police Chief Guarantees Security

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Central Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Marciano Norman said preparations for the XX PON have been above 90 percent.

"On average, some are at 100 percent but some are 92-93 percent," Marciano said, quoted from a written statement, Wednesday, July 14.

This is called progress considering that this year's XX PON in Papua is the first PON to be held during the COVID-19 pandemic with limitations.

The quality venues that are built are also expected to make Papua a center for sports development in Eastern Indonesia.

The Head of the Central KONI said that President Joko Widodo had great attention, especially regarding COVID-19 during the Meeting on July 13. Therefore, the implementation of PON must be prepared optimally, including anticipating the spread of the corona virus.

"The contingent that came to Papua had already implemented the health protocol," he said, at the same time confirming that nearly 100 percent of the contingent going to Papua had been vaccinated.

It is hoped that the contingent arriving in Papua will not have a bad impact, and vice versa. The community around the venue is also the target of the vaccine. Not only preventive measures, the General Chairperson of the Central KONI also explained anticipatory steps.

The XX Papua PON 2021 will be held in four clusters, namely, Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Mimika Regency, and Merauke Regency. The president will decide whether or not to have spectators in the four clusters in September with the consideration of the Governor of Papua, the TNI, Polri and the COVID-19 Task Force.

Apart from security from the aspect of the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kapolda guarantees that Papua is safe.

"We have ordered the Police Chief to coordinate well with the Regent as the Head of the PON Sub-Cluster," explained the Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri who was present virtually.

The Regional Police Chief said that he had taken steps related to security certainty.

"Security belongs to us together," he said.

"Papua is safe, comfortable for organizing PON and we are ready to welcome all our brothers and sisters from all over Indonesia," said the Kapolda.

Meanwhile, Regent Romanus emphasized that Merauke was safe. He denied the issue of security threats that often arise. "That's an issue that is not like that in all of Papua," he said.

"We are still an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia," continued the regent.

According to the Regent of Merauke, the XX PON in Papua is a great trust for the Papuan people so that it will be paid for by a successful implementation.

"We Papuans are risking the dignity of Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, the General Chair of the Central KONI views the importance of organizing XX PON in Papua because it is a momentum for the awakening of the Indonesian people from the COVID-19 pandemic.