Is It Really Dangerous To Charge A Cellphone Battery Overnight? Here's The Expert Opinion

JAKARTA - There are many questions regarding smartphone batteries. One of the questions that has become a myth is that recharging the battery overnight can be bad. In fact, it tends to be dangerous for the health of our cellphone batteries.

You must have heard that statement. But, is this statement really true? Then, how much do we, as mobile phone users, charge our batteries? When is the right time to charge a cell phone? And there are many other unanswered questions.

To uncover this myth, the VOI team has collected from various sources the answers that will satisfy you. Here is the explanation.

Recharging the Battery Overnight Will Overload: Wrong

One of the things that experts agree is that smartphones are really 'smart' not to let overload happen. The addition of a chipset for security on the inside is able to ensure that this will not be experienced by tablets, smartphones, and even laptops.

Please note, when the lithium-ion battery, the type of battery that is widely used by today's technological devices, reaches 100 percent capacity, the charging will automatically stop. However, if the battery is charged overnight, the only thing that decreases is battery life.

To fix this, you can use a smart charger, which is connected to a schedule to disable it.

Batteries Must Be Cooled to Prevent Damage: False

One thing to note about lithium-ion batteries: hate extreme cold and heat. You must have heard the advice that asks to cool the device if the battery life starts to decrease, right? The answer: WRONG!

Yes, if you repeatedly charge the battery in the middle of extreme cold conditions, it can even create a lithium metallic layer on the battery anode – according to Battery University. You can't fix this problem.

Meanwhile, for hot temperatures, it's not just the battery that hates it. All the internal components of the smartphone do not like high temperatures.

Recharge the Battery When Its Capacity Reaches 0 Percent: False

Using the phone until the battery is empty, then recharge it fully, is not the right step for lithium-ion battery users. In fact, if you can, don't let your battery recharge when it's close to 0 percent.

The reason is, citing PC Mag's explanation, it can reduce the level of battery life. Therefore, it is better to refill it halfway. That is, the cable plug recharges when the battery reaches 30 to 40 percent. Then, remove it when it reaches 80 percent.