PDIP Legislator Agrees PPKM To Be Extended 4-6 Weeks, Asks For Right Targeted Social Assistance Distribution

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the DPR from the PDIP faction, Rahmad Handoyo, agreed that the government would extend the implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) for the next 4-6 weeks.

"I agree that the Emergency PPKM should be extended. Based on the indicators, it should be extended," said Rahmad, Wednesday, July 14.

According to him, the things that require the Emergency PPKM to be extended include, among others, because the number of exposed to COVID-19 is still very high, community mobility is still congested, and many hospitals are already full.

"Then, in fact, the red zone has increased, so there is no reason not to extend it, it is necessary to extend this emergency-scale PPKM," explained Rahmad.

"Well, it's just an evaluation of how the implementation of this emergency PPKM is. In terms of mobility, it has started to decrease a lot but there are still many violations here and there which are still quite high, then economic actors are still carrying out activities," he added.

Then, he continued, health protocols, especially in markets, still have no distance, and no masks. For this reason, said Rahmad, it must be one of the common concerns so that it can be evaluated thoroughly.

Exposure to Covid which is still high, explained Rahmad, is also exacerbated by the Delta variant. Thus, all parties must further tighten health protocols and be more obedient to Emergency PPKM.

Even those on duty in the field do not hesitate to convey education and educational sanctions to the community.

The PDIP politician also asked the government to immediately distribute assistance to the community, such as cash social assistance.

"I hope that it can be right on target, indeed those who receive their rights because they are experiencing economic difficulties must receive social assistance from the state," said Rahmad.

In addition, the Government must also multiply and accelerate the vaccination process. Because, during this pandemic, especially in Emergency PPKM, vaccination tends to decrease somewhat.

"Meanwhile, one of our weapons in the fight against COVID-19 is vaccine immunization. So we multiply the spots so that there is no buildup that causes crowds, which will actually create the potential for new clusters," said Rahmad.

One solution, Rahmad added, is cooperation with schools. Then the police and TNI were assigned to almost every sub-district. Also, cooperation with mass organizations that can assist the vaccination process.

"So that after being reproduced, we hope that herd immunity will be achieved," said Rahmad.