Jerinx SID Reported To Police Again, Nora Alexandra Confessed To Be Sick Because Of Inner Fatigue

JAKARTA - Just a month after being released from prison, Jerinx has to face the law again. Jerinx was released on June 8 last, after that, several times Jerinx criticized celebrity accounts which he said had endorsed COVID-19.

Jerinx was reported by social media activist Adam Deni Gearaka who has an @adngrk account to the Polda Metro Jaya. This case began when Adam was considered the cause of the disappearance of Jerinx's Instagram account. Initially, Adam wrote a comment on the Jerinx account.

He questioned the data regarding artists who were endorsed by COVID-19 to Jerinx. This is because the SID drummer often mentions that many artists have announced that they have contracted COVID-19 because they have been endorsed.

Several times Jerinx replied to Adam's comment. But shortly thereafter, his Instagram account disappeared, on July 2nd. Until finally, Jerinx contacted Adam and accused him of the cause of it all.

"Suddenly he (Jerinx) called me, cursed at me and accused me that I deleted his account," said Adam when confirmed, Sunday, July 11.

Not accepting the threats and insults, Adam and his team of lawyers agreed to take the matter to court. Jerinx was also reported to the Polda Metro Jaya, on Saturday, July 10.

Adam Deni reported Jerinx SID for cases of acts accompanied by threats of violence and or threats through electronic media, article 335 of the Criminal Code and or article 29 in conjunction with article 458 of the Republic of Indonesia law no. 11 of 2008 concerning ITE.

The report made his wife Nora Alexandra immediately fall ill. Through his Twitter upload, Aliff Alli's ex-wife revealed that her condition was not healthy.

"I'm sorry I haven't updated in the past few days, I'm sick because I think about my husband. The point is that I have given all my heart. Whether you want to be heard or not, come back to him," said Nora Alexandra, quoted from the Twitter account @VLAMINORA quoted Wednesday, July 14.

Nora Alexandra admitted that she had given advice to her husband. In addition, Nora Alexandra admitted that she was tired of the conditions she was living in. "Inner fatigue," closed the wife of Jerinx SID.