Bali Emergency PPKM: Badung Police Chief Visits Shops Ensures Businesses Are Temporarily Closed, Residents Are Provided With Basic Food

BADUNG - During emergency PPKM, non-essential and non-critical sectors were asked to close in the Bali region. This closure was marked by the installation of a sticker prohibiting opening until the emergency PPKM period on July 20 ended.

Badung Police Chief AKBP Roby Septiadi visits shops in Banjar Denkayu Baleran, Werdi Buhana Village, Mengwi, Badung Regency, Bali.

To the shop owners, AKBP Roby asked that his business be temporarily closed until the Bali emergency PPKM ended.

"I'm sorry, please. I ask that it be temporarily closed. Just work online first. We are currently in Emergency PPKM," said AKBP Roby to the aluminum business owner, Wednesday, July 14.

In addition, after targeting non-essential businesses, the Badung Police Chief and his staff visited the less fortunate residents. They were given help.

According to him, the distribution of basic needs was an order from the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to help residents during the emergency PPKM.

"These basic necessities are given to people who are affected by the emergency PPKM policy. This activity is carried out according to orders from the National Police Chief. We have been carrying out this activity since three days ago. As a result of this PPKM, many have been affected. Both affected by health and economic problems," said AKBP Roby.

The closing of the business premises by the Badung Police Chief was welcomed by one of the business owners, Nyoman Sudarma. Sudarma admitted that he had to follow the rules. He was willing to close the business premises for glass doors, aluminum frames, glass windows and others.

"Yes, how else can the condition be like this. I have to follow the rules. I can't say much. Yes, I'll just go with it," he said.