Take Notes! These Are 100 Blocking Points In Jakarta And Surrounding Areas

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has added blocking points in Jakarta and its surroundings, a total of 100 points. The goal is to reduce community mobility during the Emergency PPKM period.

Director of Traffic for Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said the hundreds of blocking points ranged from arterial roads to border areas.

"Then the restrictions are not only on the city limits but also we have to play in the city," Sambodo told reporters, Wednesday, July 14.

The hundred points of isolation, continued Sambodo, began to be implemented on Thursday, July 15, at around 06.00 WIB. So, for today there will be socialization.

"In the city there are 19 points. Then on the toll road there are 15 points, at the city limits there are 10 points. Then the buffer area as the third ring of Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang, also provides 29 points. And the Sudirman Thamrin road section as a symbol the KDP icon. There are 27 emergency points. So there are 100 points in total," he said.

The following are 100 isolation points spread throughout Jakarta and its surroundings;

10 points of separation of Jakarta city limits

Friday Market (Tangsel - South Jakarta)

Lenteng Agung (depok-jaksel

Noble (Tangerang, South Jakarta)

Kalideres (West Jakarta Tangkot)

Panasonic (Depok East Jakarta)

Kalimalang (Bekasi city, East Jakarta)

Sumber Arta (Bekasi city, East Jakarta)

Beautiful Hope (Bekasi city, East Jakarta)

Bintaro (South Jakarta Tangkot)

Flat stone (tangkot Jakbar)

19 additional isolation points within the city

Rebo market, Cijantung

Tl Fatmawati

Prince Antasari Street

Uderpass Mampang

The green garden

Tl Coca cola white cempaka

Basura user pass pass

Jl in Panjaitan direction Casablanca

Fly over Pesing to the east

Fly over ladogi

Red Bridge


Jl Cassa Kemayoran

Jl Benjamin Sueb Kemayoran

Jl apron

Hasyim Ashari (TL Donut)

East Independence Field (Gambier)

Veterans Street 3

Raya Joglo

15 toll blocking points towards Jakarta

GT Cikarang center

Gr Cibatu

GT Cikarang Barat

fat gr

GT Bekasi Timur

Bukopin Offramp

Offramp Tegal Parang

Offramp Polda

MPR/DPR Offramps

Offramp dharmais

Pharmacy Offramp

Offramp spirit

Pancoran Offramp

Offramp Desari

27 points of partition of the sudirman-thamrin . segment

North direction

Senayan roundabout

FX Sudirman




Faithful Budi

hamlet below

Jl Tanjung Karang


HI roundabout

Tl Sarinah

tl kebon betel

Buddha of glory




Tl harmony

south direction

French Embassy


Tl HOS Cokroaminoto

hamlet below


Jl Suryo




Senayan Bund

29 buffer zone partition points

Bekasi district

Sasak rarely fat


Kendung Waringin


Cikarang festival


Mukti prestige stadium


Movieland junction

sgc junction

Yos Sudarsoo Street

Kalijaya Terminal

District 1 Meikarta

South Tangerang


ivory simprong

Jl camar Bintaro sector 3

Pamulang Jl Raya Bogor

Jl Ir h Juanda

ivory boulevard


Bottom of the UI flyover

Jl Komjen M Yasin

Jl Margonda Raya

GDC Gate

Margonda Pharmacy T-junction

Kartini T-junction

Jalan Raya Bogor 8

Jalan Raya Parung Ciputat

Jalan Raya Bogor Cilangkap

Tangerang city
