Unsatisfied, KPK Files Cassation On Appeal Decision Of Former Supreme Court Secretary Nurhadi

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has filed an appeal against the decision of the former Supreme Court Secretary (MA) Nurhadi and his son-in-law, Rezky Herbiyono.

This submission was made after the DKI Jakarta High Court upheld the 6-year sentence against both of them. The KPK considers this sentence to be too low.

"The team of public prosecutors (JPU) represented by Wahyu Dwi Oktafianto stated that the legal effort of cassation was through the Corruption Eradication Court at the Central Jakarta District Court for the case with the defendant Nurhadi and the defendant Rezky Herbiyono," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati told reporters quoted Wednesday July 14th.

The appeal was filed because all of the arguments that became the basis for the memorandum of appeal submitted by the KPK prosecutors were not accommodated by the panel of judges at the appeal level at the DKI Jakarta High Court. Among them are related to the length of the criminal body that has not fulfilled the sense of justice and the amount of bribes and gratuities that have not been in accordance with what is demanded.

"And the main thing is related to the obligation to pay compensation for the defendant," said Ipi.

As previously reported, the former Secretary of the Supreme Court, Nurhadi and his son-in-law, Rezky Herbiyono, were sentenced to 6 years in prison and fined Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to 3 months.

Nurhadi stated that he was proven to have received bribes of Rp. 35,726 billion and gratuities from a number of parties amounting to Rp. 13.787 billion.

The verdict is lower than the demands of the KPK public prosecutor (JPU) who requested that Nurhadi be sentenced to 12 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 1 billion, subsidiary to 6 months in prison, while his son-in-law, Rezky Herbiyono, was demanded to be in prison for 11 years plus a fine of Rp.

This decision was later upheld by the appeals panel at the DKI High Court which was read out on Monday, June 28.