Ginger Drink Trader Made A Fortune During The COVID-19 Pandemic

LEBAK - A number of ginger drink traders in Lebak Regency, Banten Province have made a fortune in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, due to increased consumer demand.

"Usually before the COVID-19 pandemic it ran out of 15 liters, but now it's 30 liters," said Odah (35), a ginger drink trader on Sunan Kalijaga street, Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 13.

The increase in consumer demand certainly has an impact on economic income. Currently, he can reap a profit of Rp150,000 from the previous Rp75,000 per day.

Most consumers buy a ginger drink, which is believed to strengthen the body's immune system so that it is not susceptible to COVID-19.

"We are quite helped by the family's economy in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic from the sale of the ginger drink," he explained.

Likewise, another trader, Amin (45) said that now his income turnover has doubled in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, because the demand for ginger drinks is selling well.

The price of ginger drink drinks is sold at Rp7,000 per glass and income can reap a profit of Rp150 thousand from the previous Rp75 thousand per day.

"We started selling at 17.00 western Indonesia time and finished at 22.00 western Indonesia time," said Amin.

He said the ginger drink is produced with raw materials from red ginger mixed with palm sugar and milk.

The drink is believed to be able to strengthen the body's immune system so that it is not susceptible to COVID-19.

They are consumers of ginger drink buyers from teenagers to the elderly.

"We are very fortunate that during the pandemic we can reap profits," said Amin, who was selling on Ir Djuanda street Rangkasbitung.

Ginger drink traders in Rangkasbitung and surrounding areas reach dozens by using carts.