7 Types Of Green Vegetables That Help Boost Your Immune

JAKARTA – The immune system can be increased by considering the type of intake. Besides eating nutritious foods that include a variety of vitamins, minerals, a little fat, fiber, and enough carbohydrates.

For vitamins, minerals, and fiber can be met through eating vegetables. Well, the green vegetables on the list below can help boost immunity.

As reported by Mints, Tuesday, July 13, according to Luke Coutinho, alternative medicine doctor and founder of Pure Nutrition, said that bright green vegetables contain lots of chlorophyll.

"It is structurally similar to hemoglobin, making it a natural blood-building food", explains Coutinho.

However, people who have chronic kidney failure, kidney stones, gout should avoid green vegetables. Because for those who experience these problems, sources of vitamin K can cause blood to clot.

What are the lists of green vegetables that are good for your immune system and your family?

1. Parsley

According to Coutinho, parsley can improve kidney health, cure urinary tract infections, and fight bloating. Two tablespoons of parsley can meet the daily needs of vitamin K, which is needed by men 120 mcg and women 90 mcg.

Parsley leaf illustration (Unsplash/Pintando la luz)

Parsley is also recommended for bone and nerve health. These leafy greens also contain powerful anti-inflammatory and alkaline minerals.

2. Broccoli

All pieces of broccoli can be eaten, from the green florets to the white stems. Broccoli is rich in vitamins A, D, and K as well as folate and fiber.

Sherly Ganesh, manager of nutrition and dietetics at Columbia Asia Hospital, Bengaluru, recommends that broccoli be eaten raw, steamed, or added to soups.

3. Spinach leaves

This one vegetable has a variety of colors, there are dark green, red, and purple. All of them contain vitamins A, C, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. You can eat them in the form of salads, clear vegetables, or soups.

4. Lettuce

If the sandwich is not fresh enough to complement, then you can enjoy a bowl of lettuce in a fresh salad. Lettuce is rich in vitamins A, C, K, and folate.

5. Mustard greens

Mustard greens are full of vitamins A, C, K, carotene, flavonoid antioxidants, and calcium. According to Ganesh, mustard greens also contain indole-3 carbinol which has been shown to be beneficial against prostate, breast, colon, and ovarian cancer.

The cytotoxic effect of mustard greens can help destroy cancer cells. How do you usually enjoy dishes made from mustard greens? Of course, it's delicious, isn't it?

6. Kale

It tastes a little bitter, but this green vegetable is high in vitamins A, C, and K. It can be consumed as a salad mix, or it can be juiced with rainbow-colored fruits to blend and strengthen the immune system.

Green vegetable juice illustration (Unsplash/Jan Sedivy)

7. Green collard

Its shape is like mustard greens but differs in that they are classified as loose-leaf cultivars and include cabbage and broccoli. The taste is not too thick, the nutritional content is rich in vitamins A, C, K, folate, fiber, and calcium.