Farewell To Sports, Grandmother In Deli Serdang Found Dead Floating In The River

MEDAN - A middle-aged woman was found dead in the Batang Kuis River, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra. Before she died, the woman named Paraten Sitepu (64) said goodbye to exercising.

Batang Kuis Police Chief AKP Simon Pasaribu said Paraten was first discovered by residents of X Hamlet, Sena Village, Batang Kuis District.

"The woman's body was first discovered by Afandi (24), a resident of Jalan Pandu Raya. At around 9 a.m. Western Indonesia Time, the witness was sitting at the base of the public transportation, the witness saw the victim drifting face down," said Simon, Monday, July 12.

Out of curiosity, Afandi went down to the river and immediately lifted Paraten to the edge. The witness then contacted the head of the local hamlet who then called the police.

The police then evacuated Paraten. Allegedly at that time the victim had just died about 2 hours.

"Shortly, the family, namely the victim's child named Pranoto Prandia (43) came to the scene and confirmed that the victim was his parents named Paraten br Sitepu (64), a resident of Jalan Rahayu Tirta Kencana, East Sambirejo Village, Percut Sei Tua District," explained Simon. .

Before being found dead, initially the victim had to leave the house around 07.00 WIB to exercise. It is suspected that he fell into the river because he had a history of stroke.

For this incident, Simon said, the family has forgiven the victim's departure. So no investigation or autopsy was carried out.

"The family has been sincere about the incident of the victim's death and has no objections and has made a statement letter of no objection to the incident," said Simon.