After Being Arrested, Nurhadi And His Son-in-law Underwent An Intensive Examination At The KPK

JAKARTA - Former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi who has become a fugitive from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was arrested Monday, July 1. Nurhadi, who was arrested with his son-in-law, Riezky Herbiyono, is now at the KPK building and is undergoing further investigation.

They were arrested for being KPK suspects in an alleged bribery and gratuity case worth Rp46 billion and have been on the wanted list (DPO) since February.

"The two of them are already at the KPK building and investigators are currently conducting intensive examinations," said Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri in a written statement, Tuesday, June 2.

Ali explained that Nurhadi and his son-in-law were arrested at around 21.30 WIB at a house in the South Jakarta area.

Previously, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigative team also brought Tin Zuraida, wife of former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi. Originally Tin would be examined as a witness because he was not present when asked for information as a witness.

"His wife (Tin Zuraida was questioned) as a witness who was not present at several summons," KPK Deputy Chairman Nurul Ghufron told media crew, Tuesday, June 2.

Tin was taken to the KPK office to undergo questioning at the same time as the arrest of Nurhadi and his son-in-law Riezky Herbiyono in the South Jakarta area, Monday, June 1 yesterday. Both of them were wanted by the KPK.

"Apart from securing the suspects Nurhadi and Rezky, his wife also brought them," he said.

Ghufron continued, the KPK task force team also conducted a search and found several objects suspected of being related to the case that was being suspected of being against Nurhadi and his son-in-law.

"The KPK also brought several items related to the case," said Ghufron.

In this case, the KPK suspected Nurhadi and his son-in-law, Riezky Herbiyono, of receiving bribes and gratuities worth Rp46 billion. The bribe was allegedly given by the Director of PT Multicon Indrajaya Terminal (MIT) Hiendra Soenjoto. The KPK suspects Hiendra of giving the money for a number of civil cases involving his company.

There were three cases of Nurhadi's bribery and gratification, the first was the PT MIT vs PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara civil case, the second was a share dispute at PT MIT, and the third was gratification related to a number of cases in court.

It is known that Riezky as Nurhadi's son-in-law allegedly received nine checks on behalf of PT MIT from PT MIT Director Hiendra Soenjoto to take care of the case. The check was received when handling the PT MIT vs PT KBN case.

The KPK made Nurhadi a fugitive after not being cooperative in fulfilling the summons of KPK investigators. Investigations in this case have been carried out since December 6, 2019, and for the purpose of investigating the suspects, they have been prevented from leaving the country since December 12, 2019.

Nurhadi has even submitted a pretrial and was rejected by the South Jakarta District Court Judge on January 21, 2020.

Appreciation for Nurhadi's arrest

Coordinator of the Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI), Boyamin Saiman, said that the KPK deserves to be appreciated for successfully arresting Nurhadi and Riezky in the middle of the COVID-19 disaster. He said this was an achievement for the KPK in the leadership era of Firli Bahuri Cs.

"I pay tribute to the KPK by not interfering in the technicalities of the arrest of fugitives. We are only limited to providing information obtained from the four clusters of informants and then the KPK team will follow up," said Boyamin in his written statement.

This arrest, he continued, was in accordance with the analysis of the KPK liaison who promised to arrest Nurhadi during Eid. "Maybe this is based on the analysis during Eid there is a carelessness from Nurhadi," he said.

The location of this arrest, he said, was also in accordance with the information he gave the KPK, namely in a house in the Simprug area that was occupied by his son-in-law.

After this arrest occurs, MAKI will then hand over the iPhone 11 prize to its four informant clusters. It is known, some time ago, this organization had indeed announced that it would hold an iPhone 11 prize competition for anyone who provided information about the whereabouts of two fugitives of the KPK, namely Harun Masiku and Nurhadi.

The four clusters, he said, are entitled to two iPhone 11s whose distribution will be fully handed over to the informants. "Actually, Nurhadi only won one iPhone 11 cellphone and the other was for fugitive Harun Masiku," Boyamin explained.

"However, because we believe Harun Masiku has died, the gift is given to Nurhadi's informant cluster. However, if Harun Masiku is caught, we will still give valid prizes to informants," he concluded.