Value Of Films Shown In OTT And Cinemas, FFWI Prepares 30 Trophies
JAKARTA - The XI Indonesian Journalist Film Festival (FFWI) was officially launched last July 7. FFWI XI is organized by Film and Cultural Journalists in partnership with the Directorate of Film, Music and New Media, Director General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture and Technology Research.
FFWI not only evaluates films that have been screened in theaters, but also evaluates films that have been screened in over the top or OTT media.
"I think this is the first time this has happened in Indonesia. The importance of this assessment system shows that FFWI is very adopting the development of communication technology," said FFWI Committee Chair, Wina Armada when contacted Monday, July 12.
In addition, FFWI also assesses the participating films based on genre, or each type of film. "So the evaluation of a head to head or apple to apple film is based on the work of similar films. Thus, it can be more fair," said Wina Armada. The assessment method based on genre, added Wina Armada, is expected to have a positive impact on the development of Indonesian national cinema.
The Head of FFWI's Judging Division, Yan Widjaya, explained that initially the committee would judge four film genres, each genre of drama, horror, comedy and action. In order to be assessed as a separate genre cluster, there must be a minimum of five participants.
"But it is predicted that the action genre will have less than five participants, so the possibility for this year's action genre cannot be assessed," said Yan Wijdaya.
Yan Widjaya explained, from each genre there are nine elements that will be judged by the FFWI XI Jury. With three film genres, each genre is assessed for nine elements, explained Yan Widjaya, it means that there are 27 trophies for the winners. "Then three special trophies were prepared to be given to special figures. That means there are a total of 30 trophies," said Yan. The trophy will be handed over to the winner during the FFWI Peak Night which will be held on October 28.