Paper Company Owned By Conglomerate Eka Tjipta Widjaja Assists In Procurement Of 1,200 Tons Of Oxygen Per Month To Sumatra And Java

JAKARTA - Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) is committed to participating in assisting the procurement of liquid and gas oxygen to meet the needs of COVID-19 patients in a number of areas. The Sinarmas Group's paper business holding company will realize the supply of oxygen stock of 1,200 tons per month.

The oxygen suppliers consist of PT OKI Pulp & Paper Mills, PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk (INKP) through its subsidiary Perawang Mills, and PT Lontar Papyrus Pulp & Paper Industry.

From the capacity of 1,200 tons of liquid oxygen, it will be able to fill around 1,000,000 medical oxygen cylinders with a volume of 1 M3. Sinarmas Group Managing Director Saleh Husin said that during the current pandemic, OKI mills optimize their daily oxygen production and even produce extra to participate in providing oxygen for COVID-19 patients.

"By optimizing the production of liquid oxygen, we can help overcome the lack of oxygen in the areas of South Sumatra, Riau, Jambi and Java," said Saleh Husin in his written statement, Monday, July 12.

This statement was conveyed after the delivery and initial delivery of liquid oxygen to the Provincial Government of South Sumatra and the Provincial Government of West Java, in order to support the availability of oxygen in the two areas.

"This is purely our CSR program because we see the high demand for oxygen and the scarcity of availability in the community. We hope that this step can help the government to immediately reduce the positive number of COVID-19 in Indonesia," Saleh added.

The Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Deru, appreciates Sinar Mas' concern for distributing its CSR in the form of providing oxygen for medical needs in handling COVID-19 to hospitals in Palembang that need oxygen.

"This is all initiated by the South Sumatra Police Chief who has invited companies in South Sumatra that produce oxygen to distribute medical assistance to hospitals in need. O2 is the most important means of life for humans," he said.