Best Way To Destroy COVID-19 And Prevent Spread

JAKARTA - Based on the results of interim research, COVID-19 is easy to die when exposed to detergents. That is because the virus wall layer is formed from fat which is susceptible to these substances.

"The lining of the walls is made of a fatty structure that will easily crumble when exposed to detergent and all soaps contain detergent," said government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Monday, June 1.

For that, he advised all people to diligently wash their hands with soap after handling foreign objects. Especially when outside the house. So, if the virus gets on your hands, it will die by washing your hands.

"Therefore, washing hands using soap is the best way," said Yusri.

In line with Yuri, a researcher in the microbiology field of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Sugiyono Saputra, said that detergent can destroy the virus envelope. Because soap contains the chemical Sodium Hypochlorite.

In fact, by using these chemicals, not only the corona virus can be destroyed. Some viruses will also die if exposed to Sodium Hypochlorite.

"Detergent is in the soap, so it is true that the soap itself not only kills viruses but also bacteria," said Sugiyono.

However, he considered, the use of bleach to kill COVID-19 was considered more effective. Because, the content of Sodium Hypochlorite in bleaching or bleach is greater than detergents.

Moreover, these chemicals are also used as a mixture of disinfectant liquids. Even so, there has been no specific research related to Sodium Hypochlorite can kill COVID-19.

Not only that, several other chemicals can also kill viruses and bacteria. Chlorine or Calcium hypochlorite and 70 percent alcohol is also said to help in killing or preventing the spread of viruses and bacteria.

"If the specifics of the Corona virus don't seem to be (research). Only detergents and bleaching are used for disinfection," Sugiyono said.