Check Out The First Aid Steps To Relieve Tooth Pain Without Going To The Doctor

JAKARTA - Toothache can suddenly appear even at night. This condition can cause sufferers can not sleep well.

Therefore, immediate treatment is needed so that the pain disappears. So how to relieve toothache without going to the doctor for a while? Let's see the full review:

1. Compress Using Ice Cubes

If the pain suddenly appears, you can use ice cubes to compress the swollen cheeks. This method will slowly reduce the pain. This method is the easiest and simplest because it does not require many ingredients. In addition, this method can also treat bleeding in the gum tissue.

To do this, you need to wrap a few pieces of ice cubes in a small towel. Then place the towel on the enlarged cheek area for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Repeat this way to relieve toothache several times without reducing the pain. The cold temperature will also make you feel comfortable and distracted from the pain.

2. Gargle With Salt Water

The second way that you can use as first aid when experiencing toothache is gargling with salt water. This method has been used since time immemorial and many people feel that it is quite effective. Reportedly, saline solution can relieve inflammation in the teeth and gums.

Before gargling, you need to clean the oral cavity from food residue. After that, prepare 1 to 2 tablespoons of table salt and dissolve it in one glass of warm water. Then use the solution to rinse your mouth for about 30 seconds. Repeat this way to relieve toothache several times until the tooth feels more comfortable than before.

3. Chew a clove of garlic

Chewing garlic can also be used to treat pain due to problem teeth. This happens because garlic contains natural antiseptic and antibiotic compounds that can fight infection.

The allicin compound contained in it is also quite effective in reducing pain in the teeth so that it makes you more comfortable. You just need to prepare one clove of garlic and divide it into two parts.

The garlic is then placed on the part of the tooth that hurts. Leave it for a while until the pain goes away. You can also chew it for a few minutes. Unfortunately, this method of relieving toothache is a little uncomfortable because the material is too strong.

4. Using Painkillers

The next way to treat toothache is to take pain relievers. This type of drug is sold freely in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. You only need to use it according to the instructions for use. This method can be used as first aid when the condition is not possible to see a doctor.

5. Gargle with Clove Oil

Cloves are also known as natural ingredients that can treat toothache. You just need to use a few drops of clove oil and mix it with warm water. Then use the solution to rinse your mouth for a while. You can also soak a cotton swab in clove oil and then bite into it. How to relieve toothache is more effective.

In order not to experience this problem, you need to do your best to take care of your teeth. The simplest way is to brush your teeth following the correct instructions. You also need to have a dental check-up at least once every 6 months. For other ways to treat teeth, you can look on the internet, one of which is here.