Want Paid Vaccines? Now Available At The Designated Kimia Farma Clinic

JAKARTA – Now people can participate in and choose paid vaccinations, through the Mutual Cooperation Vaccine program. The vaccines used in this program are Sinopharm and Cansino vaccines, and these can be accessed at eight Kimia Farma Clinic networks.

"The Mutual Cooperation Vaccination service can indeed be carried out individually and one of them can be done at the Kimia Farma Clinic for individual vaccination services," said Corporate Secretary of PT Kimia Farma Tbk, Change Winarno Putro, when confirmed by ANTARA in Jakarta, Saturday, 10 July night.

Change said that currently eight clinics are opening services in stages in the paid vaccination service for individuals at Kimia Farma Clinic.

"For services that have already started, there are two clinics, namely Kimia Farma Senen Clinic, Central Jakarta and Kimia Farma Pulogadung Clinic, East Jakarta," said Change.

The provision of these services, said Change, is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 19 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Vaccination in the Context of Overcoming the COVID-19 Pandemic

The first point of the regulation is to determine the purchase price of Sinopharm's vaccine through the appointment of PT Bio Farma (Persero) in the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine procurement and the maximum service rate for the implementation of Mutual Cooperation Vaccination.

The purchase price of the vaccine is set at IDR 321,660 per dose and the maximum tariff for vaccination services is IDR 117,910 per dose. "For registration and others, it can be done through Kimia Farma Mobile," he said.