Combating The COVID-19 Pandemic, Hasto Asks PDI-P Cadres To Work Together To Help The People

JAKARTA - PDIP continues to invite party officials and cadres throughout Indonesia to come down and work together to help the people who are currently facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Secretary General of the PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto, asked the cadres to also be involved in building public awareness of the importance of nutrition education in order to strengthen the body's immunity amid the increasing transmission of COVID-19.

The statement was made when opening a webinar for a short video creation festival about village/kelurahan leaders who will compete for the Megawati Kawal Pancasila Cup from the Village, in Jakarta, Saturday, July 10.

"Let's continue to encourage the presence of the party's face in the midst of the people, especially during the pandemic. So that all cadres continue to move with the people," said Hasto in a press release.

The COVID-19 pandemic is not easy to deal with, but the most important thing is to inspire hope.

At that point, it is important to continue to promote knowledge about nutrition to the public because nutrition and hygiene are one of the important elements in the formation of immunity or the body's resistance to exposure to viruses.

Hasto shows the Mustika Rasa book, a book containing recipes for Indonesian specialties which was the only one made in the era of Indonesian President Soekarno. Hasto invites PDIP cadres throughout Indonesia to increase public nutrition knowledge through the contents of the book.

In the book, in addition to containing recipes, there are also guidelines regarding the content of each local plant that is part of the culinary archipelago.

For example, the public needs to be informed that apart from vitamins A and C in tablet form, it turns out that many of these vitamins are contained in gedong and golek mangoes. Vitamins A and C are also widely contained in Turi Flower, Basil, and Cucumber. Everything can be planted by the community itself.

"Let's revive the archipelago's treasures regarding food and vegetables that contain vitamins and can increase our body's immunity," said Hasto.

PDIP realizes that many people are now undergoing self-isolation and difficulties related to basic needs.

"PDIP is considering a public kitchen set up by the PDIP Disaster Management Agency (Baguna) together with DPD/DPC administrators," said Hasto Kristiyanto.

Hasto also stated that PDIP continues to support and appreciate the seriousness of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin government in tackling the increasing COVID-19 pandemic.

"PDI-P appreciates the steps taken by the government of President Jokowi and KH Ma'ruf Amin, who in this difficult situation continue to raise people's hopes," said PDIP DPP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto.