Mataram Walkot Mohan Roliskana Conducts Inspection At Star Hotels, Asks For Cooperative Management

MATARAM - The Mayor (Walkot) of Mataram H Mohan Roliskana, Saturday, July 10 carried out an unannounced inspection (sidak) of the implementation of the COVID-19 health protocol at one of the five-star hotels.

"The Mayor of Mataram just visited the Santika Hotel, because he was going to attend the coordination meeting of the COVID-19 Task Force at the NTB Governor's Office," said Head of the Mataram City Communications and Information Office (Diskominfo), I Nyoman Swandiasa, as reported by Antara, Saturday evening.

During the inspection, the mayor asked for cooperative hotel management to be part of the Mataram City COVID-19 Handling Task Force, by implementing various efforts to prevent the spread of the virus. Moreover, Mataram City starting July 12, 2021, has been set to implement Emergency PPKM.

"Hotels are asked to strictly implement the COVID-19 health protocol (prokes) for guests, which refers to the Circular of the Mayor of Mataram Number: 900/965/BBD/VII/2021, regarding negative PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests for guests and guests. immigrants in Mataram City," he said.

The circular letter has been given to all hotel and inn entrepreneurs, as a reference for implementing prokes in each hotel.

In the circular, he said, it was emphasized to hotel and inn managers to supervise guests who will stay by requiring and showing a negative PCR test letter, as well as a minimum vaccine card for the first stage of the vaccine.

"Hotel or inn managers submit periodic reports to the Mataram City COVID-19 Handling Task Force," he said.

In addition, it was also reminded that the sub-district and village heads were to activate the micro PPKM post, strengthen the two healthy village program and supervise immigrants by requiring and showing a negative PCR test letter and showing a vaccine card at least once.

"Supervision and inspection at micro PPKM sub-districts and sub-districts is intended as an effort to prevent COVID-19 control, as well as to remind the high number of COVID-19 cases so that people are asked to remain vigilant and disciplined in implementing health procedures," said I Nyoman Swandiasa.

Based on data from the NTB Province COVID-19 alert team, Thursday (8/7-2021) the total number of COVID-19 cases in Mataram City was 4,180 people, 199 people were still being treated, 3,814 people recovered, and 167 died.