Preventing Transmission, Residents Of Lebak Banten Undergo An Antigen Swab Test When Leaving The House Above 20.00 WIB

BANTEN - The COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) of Lebak Regency, Banten Province will conduct an antigen swab test for residents who leave their homes at night above 20.00 WIB. This step was taken by the Task Force to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"We hope that residents comply with the policy," said the commander of the Lebak Regency COVID-19 Task Force, Dartim in Lebak, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, July 10.

COVID-19 cases in Lebak continue to increase. For this reason, the Lebak Regency COVID-19 Task Force has implemented a policy that prohibits residents from leaving their homes at 20.00 WIB.

"If there are Lebak residents out of the house at night at 20.00 WIB and above, they can be subject to sanctions with an antigen swab test," he said.

Prosecution of violations will involve an Integrated Law Enforcement Team (Gakumdu) consisting of elements from the Resort Police, Kejari, Kodim, District Court, Satpol PP, and the Health Office.

"We ask residents if there is a need or need it should be done before that hour," he said.

According to him, the Lebak Regency COVID-19 Task Force officers will carry out Condition Creation Operations and Health Protocol Law Enforcement.

The officer, he said, will take strict action against violations by conducting an antigen swab test on residents caught in the operation. If he is tested positive for COVID-19, he said, he will immediately be taken to a hospital or undergo isolation in a place that has been prepared for 14 days.

"We are taking this action to reduce pandemic cases, which are still quite high," said Dartim.