43 KPK Employees Declared Cured Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - As many as 43 employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) have recovered from exposure to COVID-19. This was conveyed after there were 113 KPK employees who tested positive based on data as of June 30 last.

"From that period until today, 43 employees have been declared cured," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati to reporters, Saturday, July 10.

Even so, the spread of COVID-19 at the anti-corruption commission headquarters has not stopped. Because, currently there are 43 employees who have tested positive for COVID-19.

"There are 43 new cases and 69 other employees are still in the process of treatment or self-isolation. So the total per day is still 112 employees who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19," he said.

As for the 112 employees, the details are 6 employees with asymptomatic conditions, mild to moderate symptoms. The rest, 106 other employees are self-isolating in their respective homes.

Furthermore, the KPK continues to try to tighten the potential for the spread of COVID-19 in the KPK environment and take other anticipatory steps.

"One of them is by limiting activities in the office and implementing strict health protocols for employees who, due to carrying out their duties, still have to work in the office," said Ipi.

Previously, KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron announced that he had recovered from COVID-19. This is known from the results of his Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test which was negative.

Ghufron was one of those who was also exposed to COVID-19 at the KPK and carried out self-isolation at his residence because he only experienced mild symptoms.

"As of July 9, 2021, I just received the results of the PCR test that the results were negative for COVID-19," Ghufron told reporters, Friday, July 9.

He said his current health condition is recovering as before being exposed to COVID-19 after undergoing self-isolation and treatment.