Suspected Of Sexual Harassment, Principal In Serdang Bedagai Reported To Ombudsman

MEDAN - The head of the school in Serdang Bedagai Regency, with the initials FN, was reported to the Ombudsman of the North Sumatra representative office. FN was reported for alleged sexual harassment of library employees.

The victim has also reported the incident to the Sergai Police in September 2020.

Although a number of witnesses have been examined, but there is no clear point in this case. Victims of YE also reported to the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of North Sumatra and the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Religion.

However, having not received justice for the abuse experienced, the victim was forced to stop working. According to the victim, the perpetrator was visited by FN while working in the library. That's where the harassment took place.

"I think it's only once, it turns out when there is an opportunity to do it again," said YE at the North Sumatra Ombudsman office, Jalan Sei Besitang, Medan, Friday, July 9.

The victim said that FN launched its action when the school was quiet because teachers taught online from home. He admitted that he made a report because he could no longer stand the actions of FN.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Ombudsman Representative for North Sumatra, Abyadi Siregar, said his party would follow up on the report. His party will ask for clarification from the Sergai Police regarding this case.

"We received this report, we will follow up later. Later we will ask for clarification from the Resort Police in carrying out this investigation, what is the problem, why there is no follow-up," Abyadi explained.

Separately, FN, which was confirmed by reporters, denied YE's accusations against him.