Serves Guests, Eats And Drinks, 2 Cafes In Cikarang Bekasi Are Sealed By Officers

JABAR - Officers sealed two cafes that violated the provisions for the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in the Cikarang area, Bekasi Regency, West Java, Thursday, July 8 evening.

"Last night there were two cafes that we sealed because they were proven to have violated the provisions of the Emergency PPKM," said Head of the Bekasi Metro Police Kombes Hendra Gunawan in Cikarang as reported by Antara, Friday, July 9.

He said the sealed cafe was located on Jalan Raya Perum Grand Cikarang City, Karang Raharja Village, West Cikarang District. One other cafe in the District of West Cikarang.

This sealing is because cafes still serve food and drink on the spot and also violate the operational hours limit during the Emergency PPKM period.

"Officers found that there were still many visitors eating and drinking on the premises and violating operating hours. So we took action to seal it. We installed a police line in one cafe," he said.

The sealing was carried out by joint officers consisting of police personnel, TNI soldiers, and members of the Satpol PP. This activity is carried out routinely every day through patrols to ensure that all business actors and the community comply with the Emergency PPKM rules.

"So we want people to stay at home, business actors comply with existing rules. If stubborn people will be closed, they will be sealed," he said.

In addition to supervision, mobility blocking operations are still being carried out at designated points. Likewise with routine monitoring to a number of companies in industrial areas.

"We continue to monitor this until we take action for those who violate it. We see that community mobility has begun to decrease," he said.

Hendra appealed to the public to stay at home and continue to comply with the 5M health protocol, wear masks, wash hands, maintain distance, avoid crowds, and reduce mobility.

"You don't have to leave the house unless it's for a very urgent need. Keep following the health protocols, remember this pandemic is not over yet," he said.