The Mode Of Being A Magical Shaman, Men In Karangasem Repeatedly Abused Teenage Girls

KARANASEM - A man with the initials IWG (38) from Tumbu Village, Karangasem, Bali, was arrested by the police for molesting a teenage girl. Perpetrators act depraved by pretending to be a shaman who can treat illness.

"After conducting an investigation into the alleged crime of sexual intercourse with a minor and successful in revealing it," said Karangasem Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Ni Nyoman Suartini, Thursday, July 8.

This abuse has been done repeatedly by the perpetrators. The perpetrator once asked the victim to do self-cleaning or wounding at Pancoran Galiran, in Banjar Kawan, Bangli Regency, so that the victim's headache could be cured.

After finishing the wound, the perpetrator asked the victim to stay at an inn in Bangli Regency. This is where sexual violence occurs.

"Furthermore, sexual intercourse was continued at several TKP (cases) in the Karangasem area with the same mode, up to more than 10 times from December 2020 to March 2021," added AKBP Suartini.

According to the police, the perpetrator always threatened the victim not to tell her parents about her depraved act. Later the victim ventured to tell her parents.

From this story, the victim's parents reported to the Karangasem Bali Police. The police also arrested him.

“An interrogation was carried out on the person concerned and it was acknowledged that he had intercourse with the child. The person in question and their luggage were brought to the Karangasem Police for further processing," said AKBP Suartini.