Police Arrest Hoax Spreaders Riot At Tanjung Jember Market

JEMBER - Police arrested ADT (28) who spread riot hoaxes. This resident of Gebang, Jember, East Java, spread a video of the riot that was said to have taken place at the Tanjung Jember Market.

"There is no compromise for those who spread hoaxes that disturb the public. Moreover, the video was spread and spread in the midst of a pandemic situation and the implementation of Emergency PPKM," said Jember Police Chief AKBP Arif Rachman Arifin, Thursday, July 8.

The current condition according to the Police Chief is not good, especially regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore the situation in the community must be ensured conducive.

"All parties should maintain and maintain the situation so that it remains conducive. It doesn't make you restless," said Arif.

The video, which depicts a riot as if it was a riot, is said to have the potential to pit residents against the police. The police chief appealed to the public not to be easily provoked by first checking the information circulating on social media.

"Don't easily spread information that is not yet clear," concluded Arif.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Jember Police, AKP Komang Yogi Arya Wiguna, explained that the video was uploaded by the Facebook group Info Warga Jember (IWJ) by DN's Facebook account.

The Jember Police Cyber Team then conducted a search and found the fact that the incident occurred in the market in the Aceh region.

"Investigations are still ongoing, we are still investigating SN's motive for spreading the hoax video," said Komang.