In The Information Tsunami Era, Society Must Be Smart In Sorting Out Which Suits Their Needs

JAKARTA - Academics from Esa Unggul University Jakarta, Gun Gun Siswadi, said that internet users in Indonesia had reached 196.71 million people. This means that the majority of Indonesia's population is connected to the internet.

"Therefore, at this time Indonesia has entered the digital era, this must be used really. People are getting easier to access information, where information has become one of the basic human needs. However, there could also be a tsunami of information, people need to choose and sort information according to their needs. needs," said Gun Gun in a virtual discussion held by BAKTI Kominfo with the theme "Be wise to use social media in the Digital Era", quoted Thursday, July 8.

This tsunami of information, said Gun Gun, must be handled wisely. This means that people need to select and sort information according to their needs.

"As an indicator of how Indonesia has entered the digital era, it is like digitalization that is around us, for example, shopping first comes to the store, comes to the mall and so on, now people shop only using applications, learning doesn't have to be gathered together, so learning is also done online. distance by using technology of course and now there are several learning applications," he explained.

"Transportation that used to be offline can now be done online, food delivery can also be done using gofood, health can also consult through applications and help others through applications for fundraising, this is what happens called digitalization in accordance with our daily lives," he added.

For that, in the digital era like today, Gun Gun continued, it is important how to do literacy. The government together with other components of society also continue to carry out literacy so that people are able to choose information.

"So that information becomes a means to obtain prosperity. As a resource, if it is managed properly, if it is used properly, information will bring prosperity to the manager," he said.

The reason is, according to Gun Gun, the benefits of the internet as a source of information are numerous. Almost all community activities in the current era are in contact with the internet.

"The internet simplifies or speeds up work, adds to social networking, can be used for online business, forms discussion groups, as an additional learning resource, a means of finding scholarships and lockers, a means of marketing or promotion, encouraging independence, as a medium of entertainment and a means of storing information. ," he explained.