Escorting The COVID-19 Social Assistance Program, KPK: People Can Submit Complaints

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) emphasized that it would continue to oversee the government in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes overseeing the provision of social assistance (bansos) in the midst of the implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"KPK will continue to oversee the government's programs and policies in handling the COVID-19 pandemic," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati told reporters, Thursday, July 8.

The anti-corruption commission hopes that the budget issued by the central and local governments in the national economic recovery program, including social assistance, can be managed in a transparent, accountable and public manner.

He said the KPK would accept public complaints regarding the social assistance program. Complaints and reports can be submitted through the platform that has been provided.

"The public can submit complaints on the KPK Prevention Network Platform (JAGA)," he said.

Ipi explained that there are two features on the JAGA Platform, namely JAGA Bansos COVID-19 and JAGA Handling COVID-19 which facilitates complaints from the public.

In the JAGA Bansos COVID-19 feature, said Ipi, the public can submit complaints related to the distribution of social assistance, including MSME assistance.

Meanwhile, complaints related to services in handling COVID-19 patients, incentives and compensation for health workers, costs for treating COVID-19 patients, hospital claims, and related to COVID-19 vaccines can be submitted through JAGA Handling COVID-19.

"Not only accommodating complaints, the public can also find out information about COVID-19 and other related information on the guide menu on the platform," explained Ipi.

Later, all incoming complaints will be analyzed first and then forwarded to the relevant stakeholders.

"KPK will also oversee the follow-up to the handling of complaints submitted by the community," he said.

"If the complaints submitted by the public indicate a criminal act, the KPK can follow up on the report. The management team will forward the report to the Directorate of Public Reports and Complaints Services for investigation," concluded Ipi.