Places Of Worship Are Closed But Nightclubs Open So The Spotlight, This Is The Explanation Of Makassar Walkot Danny Pomanto

MAKASSAR - Mayor of Makassar, South Sulawesi, M Ramdhan Pomanto (Danny Pomanto) mentioned that places of worship are closed but nightclubs in Makassar may remain open. Danny Pomanto reviewed it with the results of a meeting with religious leaders in Makassar.

Danny Pomanto explained that he met representatives of major Islamic organizations in Makassar City. Communication is also carried out with Christian, Confucian and other religious leaders.

"Meeting this morning, gathering. The first is the principle that all Islamic organizations decide to support the government's efforts. Second, it will improve the quality of compliance with (health) protocols," said Danny Pomanto in Makassar, Wednesday, July 7.

Third, religious leaders asked the Makassar City Government and the authorities not to act repressively if they found violations.

After that, Danny Pomanto mentioned the issue of whether to open a nightclub. In the circular, nightclubs in the hotel area are allowed to open until 17.00 WITA.

"There is a sense of justice (which is judged) by religious people with this mayoral decree for allowing karaoke, nightclubs to open until 5 am. This is a sense of justice, this is very much based on the results of the meeting," continued Danny Pomanto.

In addition, it is agreed that Eid prayers are allowed to be held on the highway. Its application is like during Eid prayers in Makassar City.

"Due to the prohibition of performing (Id prayers) in mosques, on the streets (allowed) with an RW-based Eid pattern, there are no large gatherings. We hope it will not be in the mosque because it is banned from the Minister of Religion's letter because we are in the orange zone," said Danny Pomanto.

In addition, Danny Pomanto emphasized that the distribution of sacrificial meat was carried out by delivering it directly to homes.

"It is hoped that all the Kunut Nazilah obligatory prayers," he said.

Malls to Nightclubs Can Open

Meanwhile, in a circular letter from the Mayor of Makassar, Danny Pomanto, it is regulated regarding shopping centers to night club operations.

"Shopping centers such as malls, as well as other trade centers, limit their operating hours until 5 pm (17:00 WITA) with a visitor capacity of only 25 percent. The application of health protocols must be stricter," said Danny Pomanto.

Likewise, eating and drinking activities in public places such as food stalls, restaurants, cafes, street vendors, hawker stalls, both in separate locations and in shopping centers, continue to operate until 17.00 WITA with a visitor capacity of 25 percent.

However, food service via delivery or take-away is still allowed until 20.00 WITA. For restaurants that serve delivery or take-away can operate for 24 hours.

Meanwhile, karaoke businesses, family singing houses, nightclubs, discotheques, "live music", massage or reflexology, and the like, including supporting facilities for entertainment venues in hotels, are still permitted until 17.00 WITA with a 25 percent limit on visitor capacity and strict adherence to the prokes. .

Danny Pomanto emphasized that strict sanctions will be imposed on violators in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations. The Raika Task Force has also been strictly ordered to disperse if there is a crowd.

Witnesses are given to violators in the form of a verbal and written warning if they still violate, the business is sealed and the business license is revoked. The element of criminal offense is of course applied if the violation is considered serious.

Previously, the Circular of the Mayor of Makassar number: 443.01/334/S.Edar/Kesbangpol/VII/2021 regarding the extension of the Micro-Based PPKM during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Makassar City was signed on July 6 and enforced until July 20, 2021 or the next 14 days.

This decision refers to the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs number 17 of 2021, dated July 5 regarding Micro-Based PPKM and optimizing the COVID-19 handling post at the village and sub-district levels to control the spread of COVID-19.

Other basics are Regional Regulation number 5 of 2011 concerning the List of Tourism Businesses, Mayor's Regulation (Perwali) number 5 of 2021 concerning Makassar Recover and Makassar Mayor's Decree number 1160/331.1.05 of 2021, concerning the Crowd Decomposition Task Force (Raika).