COVID-19 Cases Get More Serious, Purbalingga Regency Government Discourses 'Three Days At Home' 9-11 July

PURBALINGGA - The government of Purbalingga Regency, Central Java has discussed the implementation of the "Three Days at Home" movement on July 9-11 to reduce the mobility of residents and suppress the spread of COVID-19.

"Purbalingga will implement the 'Three Days at Home' movement from Friday (9/7) to Sunday (11/7)," said Purbalingga Regent Dyah Hayuning Pratiwi, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 7.

Dyah said the discourse was inspired by the "Central Java at Home Only" movement on February 6-7 which was considered successful in reducing the mobility of residents and the number of COVID-19 cases in Purbalingga at that time.

"Learning from the effectiveness of the 'Central Java at Home Only' movement on February 6-7, Purbalingga will implement the 'Three Days at Home Only' movement," he said.

Dyah said the Purbalingga COVID-19 Task Force Team had held a meeting related to this.

"Based on the conclusion of the meeting, a Regent Circular will be issued regarding the appeal for the 'Three Days at Home Only' movement which is technically based on the experience of the 'Central Java at Home Only' movement," he said.

The Regent of Purbalingga hoped that the movement would be effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the local area.

"Moreover, based on the evaluation of the central government, violations of health protocols in Purbalingga are still quite high, so this movement is expected to be effective," he said.

Meanwhile, the Purbalingga District Health Office informed the number of confirmed COVID-19 patients in the local area who were declared cured as of Monday, July 5, as many as 6,486 people.

"If on July 2, 2021 yesterday the number of recovered patients reached 6,194 people, on July 5, 2021 it increased to 6,486 people," said Head of the Purbalingga Health Service Hanung Wikantono.

The total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in this region since the beginning of treatment is 8,902 people. Of these, 6,486 were declared cured, 378 died, 207 were still being treated at a number of health facilities, and 1,831 people were self-isolating.

Hanung said that currently there is an increasing trend of COVID-19 cases in the region.

"Referring to data on July 2, 2021, the total number of confirmed positive cases since the beginning of treatment was 8,172 people, on July 5, 2021 it increased to 8,902 people. This means that there is a significant increase in a few days," he said.