Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Laughs Called The King Of Silent

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin just laughed when he heard the nickname The King of Silent given by the Student Executive Board of the Semarang State University Student Family (BEM KM Unnes).

"(The vice president's reaction, Ma'ruf Amin, ed) is mediocre. The vice president is just laughing," said the spokesman for the vice president, Masduki Baidlowi, to reporters at an online press conference, Wednesday, July 7.

Masduki said the vice president also had no problem with the nicknames given to him by the students. Moreover, Masduki said, Ma'ruf Amin is not the type of person who gets angry easily.

"No, no. The vice president is not angry. I think it's important to note that our vice president is not the one who gets angry when criticized.

The vice president's spokesman also said that the accusations made by students and various parties that said Ma'ruf Amin did not work were not true. He emphasized that so far the former PBNU Rais Aam has carried out his duties well.

Moreover, the president and his deputy are not policy executives, but only coordinate with ministries/agencies. This, called Masduki, has been carried out well by Ma'ruf as vice president.

"As far as the main tasks and functions are concerned, in my eyes the vice president and the other accompanying team have worked quite well," he said.

Even if the results of his work are not widely heard by the public, said Masduki, this is because Ma'ruf still wants to have a low profile style. "If the president and his ministers have spoken, that's enough. That's for example like that," he said.

Previously reported, the Student Executive Board of the Semarang State University Student Family (BEM KM Unnes) gave nicknames to a number of officials as a form of criticism. This follows the nickname The King of Lip Service by the University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI).

One of the officials they gave the nickname was Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. He is referred to as The King of Silent because he nullifies his existence in public during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Whereas as Vice President, Ma'ruf should be able to fill the vacant role that President Jokowi cannot fill. "In general, people think that Vice President Ma'ruf Amin looks absent and silent," he was quoted from Instagram @bemkmunnes on Wednesday, July 7.

BEM Unnes considers Ma'ruf only as a legitimator of government policies with biased arguments and claims that are linked to certain identities and religions.

"This can be seen in his political statement regarding the halalness of BPJS and Fardlu Kifayyah's law in carrying out the COVID-19 vaccination," wrote BEM KM Unnes. Now Bali is preparing the Ibis Kuta Hotel to Quarantine Patients with mild symptoms