BI Governor: Inflation In May 2020 Is Estimated To Be Only 0.09 Percent

JAKARTA - Inflation in May 2020 is estimated at only 0.09 percent (month to month). This was stated by the Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, based on a survey monitoring BI prices.

On a year-on-year basis, inflation until May 2020 is estimated at 2.21 percent. Inflation in the month of Ramadan this year, said Perry, is very low when compared to previous years.

He said that in the month of Ramadan 2019, inflation was 0.68 percent and after Eid al-Fitr it was 0.55 percent. Backed a year earlier, namely in 2018, Ramadan inflation was 0.59 percent.

Perry explained that there were several factors that caused inflation in May 2020 to be very low, including those related to the early COVID-19 period. According to him, the impact of this pagebluk reduces public demand for goods and services.

In previous years, people broke their fast not only at home, but also sometimes in restaurants. Apart from that, it can also be seen from several economic activities, including the low income of the community.

"Thus, the inflation factor from demand is low," Perry said in a video conference, Thursday, May 28.

Perry continued, the next factor is related to the low prices of global commodities which affect the prices of imported goods. According to him, this will lower imported inflation.


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Perry said that apart from the two things above, low inflation was also due to the maintained stability of the rupiah exchange rate.

"Indeed it was under pressure in March, but Alhamdulillah the exchange rate was stable and even strengthened," he said.

The next factor, said Perry, is maintained inflation expectations. According to him, this shows that the coordination between the government and BI is going well. So that prices and supply of goods are maintained.

Therefore, Perry estimates that this year's inflation will remain within the predetermined range, namely in the range of 3 percent plus minus 1 percent or 2 to 4 percent.

"With the low inflation in the month of Ramadan at 2.21 percent yoy earlier, inflation was maintained at around 3 percent plus minus 1 percent," he said.

Previously, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the inflation rate throughout April 2020 reached 0.08 percent (month to month) or 2.67 percent (year on year).

"The inflation pattern is changing. Last year Ramadan fell in May, and the inflation was 0.68 percent. This year no, fasting starts April and inflation is only 0.08 percent. Very low, unusual for Ramadan inflation. This happened because of the COVID-19 outbreak. , "said Head of BPS Kecuk Suhariyanto on Monday, May 4.