Feeling That KPK Is Weakened, NGO Headquartered In Germany Letters To President Jokowi

JAKARTA - Transparency International sent a letter to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). This letter contains their concerns about the weakening that occurred in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

"His Excellency President Widodo, Transparency International is writing to express our serious concern over the continued weakening of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Indonesia," IT Chief Executive Officer Daniel Eriksson wrote in the letter quoted Wednesday, July 7.

This non-governmental organization (NGO) in the anti-corruption field based in Germany has been concerned about efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia since the revision of the KPK Law was tapped in 2019. In fact, the anti-corruption commission was an effective organization in eradicating corruption before the revision.

"Over the past two years we have seen ongoing threats to independence and success," said Daniel.

This concern became even more acute after the dismissal of KPK employees who failed the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment. Daniel also said that the dismissal was contrary to President Jokowi's statement.

In addition, the dismissal of employees as a result of not passing the TWK is also considered to be contrary to the anti-corruption commitments that have been signed by Indonesia.

On this basis, Transparency International asked President Jokowi to reprimand the KPK leadership and cancel the planned dismissal.

"Ask President Jokowi to reprimand the commissioners and cancel the dismissal of KPK employees. A strong, effective and independent KPK is very important for Indonesia's sustainable growth and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic," said Daniel.

"For this to be achieved and to restore public confidence in the KPK and Indonesia, the KPK must operate in accordance with the United National Convention Against Corruption and the Jakarta Principles," he added.

In addition, Transparency International also urged Jokowi to use his executive powers to reverse reforms that undermined the KPK. Thus, the anti-corruption commission can work optimally.

"Transparency International urges President Joko Widodo to use his executive powers to initiate a reversal of these damaging reforms to ensure the capacity of the KPK to carry out its important role, in compliance with Indonesia's international commitments," he wrote.