DKI Provincial Government's Defense Regarding TGUPP Allowances Not To Be Deducted For Handling COVID-19

JAKARTA - Head of DKI Jakarta Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) Chaidir confirmed that the allowance for members of the Governor's Team for the Acceleration of Development (TGUPP) has not been cut. This is because the form of the TGUPP budget is activities, not personnel expenses.

"TGUPP takes the form of activities, not in employees. Then, if there is an appreciation in that activity, to pay for the labor expertise," said Chaidir when contacted, Thursday, May 28.

Thus, he said, the deduction of the allowance for TGUPP was not carried out. "He (TGUPP), yes, is fine (not experiencing a cut in allowances)," said Chaidir.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government plans to cut the regional performance allowance (TKD) of the DKI civil servants by up to 50 percent. This was done because there was a rationalization of the APBD. Part of the budget must be allocated for handling COVID-19. In addition, regional cash income has also decreased due to the provision of tax collection incentives.

Member of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, August Hamonangan, regretted the policy of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan which did not reduce the TGUPP allowance during the COVID-19 period.

"There is news that before Lebaran yesterday TGUPP members received THR, while civil servants did not. Do not let the governor give the impression of favoritism in providing income allowances," said August.

Based on detailed data received by VOI, the value of the allowance for each TGUPP member varies. The highest position was the Head of TGUPP, amounting to IDR 51,570,000, each head of the field received IDR 41,220,000 and so on. Meanwhile, other members get allowances ranging from Rp. 20 million to Rp. 30 million.

Deny unfair benefits

Meanwhile, the news that there were civil servants who did not have their allowances cut at the BKD, the Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD) and the Communication, Information and Statistics Office (Kominfotik) were denied. He said, only five fields were not cut and it was in accordance with the Governor's regulation.

In Governor Regulation Number 49 of 2020, the five fields that are exempted from cutting allowances and THR are people who work directly to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak.

"There are only five excluded, health workers and supporting health workers, hospital and health center officers, corpses, COVID-19 epidemiological information data officers, COVID-19 disaster management officers, and COVID-19 funeral officers," said Chaidir.

The TKD trimming refers to the Joint Decree from the Minister regarding the acceleration of the 2020 APBD adjustment and safeguarding the purchasing power of the public and the national economy.

He said the letter was issued because of the economic contraction experienced by DKI, where its income decreased by about 53 percent of the target.

"So, the TKD policy in DKI Jakarta is only given 75 percent, but 50 percent is paid first. For 25 percent of the rationalization, the remaining 25 percent is postponed until the Jakarta economy starts to stabilize in the third or fourth quarter," he explained.