Police Prepare Special Paths For Health Workers On Toll Roads During Emergency PPKM

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya will open a special exit door for health workers on toll roads. This new scheme was created because health workers often get stuck at the isolation points.

"Based on the results of the evaluation for 3 days, there are often priorities for health workers and nurses because they are often hampered, so we will open the exit door," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Tuesday, July 6.

The special exit for health workers is in the Semanggi area, South Jakarta. In the previous scheme, all vehicles on the toll road must exit at the Slipi and Cawang toll gates.

"For example, from Cawang, it's in Semanggi here (exit), later we will give a sign there that before the exit for health workers, doctors and nurses, please go out at the Semanggi door," said Yusri.

"(The toll road) is also the same way, it is at the Semanggi exit but specifically for health workers," he continued.

The exit scheme for health workers will take effect on Wednesday, July 7th.

Meanwhile, for people who enter essential and other critical sectors, officers will direct them to exit at the Slipi exit, West Jakarta and Cawang, East Jakarta.

"Why do we separate like that? Because we really need the speed of these health workers," he said.

Previously, the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that he would implement a new scheme at the isolation point during the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

The new rules use signs and the use of work permits. Because from the results of the evaluation of the implementation of PPKM, the community does not understand the essential and critical sectors so that there are crowds at the isolation points.

"So we convey to all ranks to make some kind of warning signs," said Sigit at a virtual PPKM Java-Bali press conference, Monday, July 5.

"So we make signs starting at a distance of 1 kilometer, then 500 meters, and 200 meters, the contents of which are so that the people who pass by then prepare a lot of documents," he continued.