Don't Lose Control, Here Are 5 Simple Techniques To Overcome Panic

JAKARTA – Experiencing panic attacks at critical times has the potential to make the mind irrational. Panic also hinders the ability to make logical decisions. Outside of consciousness, the body actually operates according to the mechanism.

So it's not wrong to experience panic, because the body releases adrenaline, cortisol, and other hormones that signal danger. These hormones cause physical reactions, such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, cold sweats, and shaking.

Reported by Psycom, Tuesday, July 6, experiencing a panic attack is a response to actual danger or in psychology is called acute stress. Techniques for overcoming panic so as not to experience panic disorder can be in the following ways.

1. Take a deep breath

Relaxing your body with your breath can help you avoid panic attacks. Try breathing in through your nose for a count of five, hold for a count of five, then exhale through your mouth for a count of five.

You can also take meditation classes to calm yourself down even more. Well, while at home, you can also do relaxing activities such as gardening, enjoying music, or reading.

2. Countdown

If you suddenly feel your heart racing, try starting a countdown from 100 to 0. This anxiety coping technique is suggested by Rob Cole, LHMC, clinical director of mental health services at Banyan Treatment Centers.

From the act of counting down numbers to counting coins, it can help you focus on something outside of yourself. This can make you calmer.

3. Try to stay grounded

You see, panic often makes the mind drift full of assumptions and fears so that it is far from rational. So it is advisable to stay grounded, for example by adjusting what you see, touch, smell, and 1 thing you can feel,

Cole's advice, forcing your mind to consider or adapt to something outside of yourself will help.

4. Compress hands and chest with ice cube

Kirstie Craine Ruiz compresses the chest to the navel up and down with an ice cube. This helps the heart rate to soften when you feel uncontrollable panic.

After the heart rate returns to normal, compress the palm and back of the hand with an ice cube. So that the liquid is not smeared, you can use a compress tool.

Illustration of ice cube for compressing (Pixabay)
5. Undergo dialectical behavior therapy or DBT

Dialectic Bahavior Therapy (DBT) combines the dialectical and mindful processes of Zen Buddhism. This conscious dialectic technique focuses on managing emotions and interpersonal relationships.

If the panic is constantly present without being able to be controlled or controlled, it is advisable to see an expert, psychotherapist, or psychologist to get the right treatment to overcome it.