BRI's Answer To UI Chancellor Ari Kuncoro: Members Of The Board Of Commissioners May Be Active In The Academic Civitas

JAKARTA - The dual position polemic carried out by the Chancellor of the University of Indonesia (UI) Ari Kuncoro as Deputy President Commissioner of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. (BRI) finally received a direct response from the management of the state bank.

Through the disclosure of information submitted to the Indonesia Stock Exchange, BRI Corporate Secretary Aestika Oryza Gunarto provided information related to the high number of reports that dragged Ari Kuncoro's name some time ago.

"Members of the Board of Commissioners may be active in the academic community," he said as quoted on Tuesday, July 6.

Aestika added that what was done by the company's deputy commissioner was deemed to have complied with the rules in force at the company.

"The implementation of the duties and functions of members of the Board of Commissioners in their positions is guided by applicable regulations," he said.

The explanation of the bank with the BBRI stock code is contained in an official letter numbered B.96-CSC/CSM/CGC/07/2021 which is intended to respond to a request for explanation by the Indonesia Stock Exchange through letter number S-04509/BEI.PP1/06-2021 dated June 30, 2021 regarding Requests for Explanation of Reports in the mass media regarding commissioner Ari Kuncoro.

However, Aestika ensured that the operational and business activities carried out by BRI were not disrupted by the incident.

"Other important information/events that are material and can affect the survival of the company and can affect the company's share price," said Aestika.

To note, the dual position held by Ari Kuncoro is contrary to the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 68 of 2013 concerning the Statute of the University of Indonesia.

Article 35 Point C clearly states that the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor are prohibited from concurrently serving as officials in state/regional or private-owned enterprises.